Available for direct purchase in select areas.

DryJect is the pioneer in high-pressure water injection and soil amendment technology.

Contact DryJect today to discuss the possbilities.



Since the beginning of the century, DryJect has operated on a franchise basis with independent business owners serving golf courses and sports fields, where maintaining the agronomic health of fine natural turf is essential.

To protect our franchisees, we have not and do not plan on selling DryJect equipment in territories where the franchised service is offered.

DryJect holds exclusive licensed territories in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Portugal, and Japan. We plan to extend this privilege to other European countries, such as Germany.


Areas where we now sell our equipment directly to end users, often through distributors, are Mexico, South American countries, Sweden, Norway, Finland, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and other surrounding Southeast Asian countries. Direct sales will also be considered in smaller countries not listed, like the Caribbean Islands, for example.

Contact these distributors for information on direct machine purchases.

Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore & Vietnam
Centaur Asia Pacific
Website: https://www.centaur-asiapacific.com.au
Visit website for multiple locations in Asia
Email: info@centaur-asiapacific.com
Tel: +61 450 791003

South Korea
Tonong Company, Ltd
Seoul, South Korea
Website: http://tonong.kr
Email: tonong68@naver.com
Tel: +82-31-322-5713

Mexico & All South American Countries
If you are interested in a DryJect machine, contact DryJect.
Email: john@dryject.us

Norway, Sweden, Finland
If you are interested in a DryJect machine, contact DryJect.
Email: john@dryject.us

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9



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